Street Markets Open Three Days After Occupation

Following sentences are quoted and extracted from

The Nanking Massacre: Fact versus Fiction: A Historian’s Quest for the Truth
by Higashinakano Shudo (Author)



By December 8, most of Nanking’s residents had taken refuge in the Safety Zone, which Japanese troops were forbidden to enter.
Japanese military policy was “kill no civilians, and refrain from entering the Safety Zone.” That is why public safety was restored so quickly.

On December 14, two days after Nanking fell, the Japanese commenced their sweep of the Safety Zone. The operation did not target civilians. At about 3:00 p.m., Colonel Tanida Isamu, accompanied by a squad of sentries attached to Headquarters, set out by automobile for a tour of Nanking. His recollections of what he saw that day are included in Eyewitness Accounts of the Battle of Nanking, Vol. 4.

The streets of Nanking were peaceful. Residents were busily cleaning up, and children were playing in the streets everywhere we went. I saw Japanese soldiers giving food to some of them.

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On December 15, the third day of the occupation, in the Safety Zone, next to the Japanese Embassy, street vendors were selling groceries. Some barbers had also set up shop. Private 1st Class Inoie Masakazu, 7th Infantry Regiment, who participated in the sweep of the Safety Zone, described these scenes in his diary.

The sweep ended on December 16, and the ceremonial entry took place on the following day. On December 18, according to Maeda Yuji’s Caught in the Current of War, war correspondents from Domei News Agency moved into the company’s former branch office inside the Safety Zone. They felt that it was safe to return since the city was peaceful once more. The order had been restored to the point that on December 19, Private 1st Class Inoie had his hair cut by a barber he had spotted earlier, in the Safety Zone.

Outdoor barber shop.jpg

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If you want to read full text, visit (the Web site: Society for the Dissemination of Historical Fact)


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